How to Become a Full Stack Developer in Nebraska

The industry surrounding the development, design and building of websites and applications continues to grow. Full stack development is a newer career in the field but one that is growing rapidly. In past years, sites and apps were built by two kinds of developers using two sets of coding languages:

  • Front-end developers build the visible parts of a site or app that users see and interact with.
  • Back-end developers work on the server side, building the necessary components users never see.
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Full stack developers are skilled in both types of coding and development. More than ever, employers want to hire these more diversified workers. They can streamline and manage projects more efficiently. For a job with great stability and pay, consider becoming a full stack developer in Nebraska.

Training Requirements for Full Stack Developers in Nebraska

One of the great things about this career is that there are no formal requirements to get started, in Nebraska or any other state. You don’t need a degree, a certification, a license or anything else, only the skills necessary to do the job.

While the requirements are informal and dependent on employer, generally you need to take classes in specific skills: one or more front-end coding languages; one or more back-end coding languages; database building; web and app design; and user experience design. As a new career, you may struggle to find a training program specifically for full stack developers, but you can put courses together to get the skills needed to land a job.

Nebraska Programs for Full Stack Developers

Nebraska has a few options for anyone interested in training to become a full stack developer in the state:

  • University of Nebraska. Nebraska’s comprehensive course for full stack development is completely online. You can work at your own pace but must complete all the classes within 18 months of enrollment. Classes include full website building as well as database work and real-world projects.
  • Metropolitan Community College. At Metropolitan, you can complete an associate degree program in full stack web development. It takes two years at full-time pace, but holding a degree has advantages. You can apply it toward a four-year degree. A degree will also help you advance with your employer.
  • Bellevue University. If you have the time and can afford it, consider earning a four-year web development degree at Bellevue that includes full stack courses. The program is entirely online, which gives students flexibility to work and continue earning while training for a new career.

Job Outlook and Salary Expectations

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) doesn’t have data on this newer career. But take a look at BLS data for related careers. Web developer jobs are growing at a rapid pace of 13 percent across the country, while software developer positions continue to rise at 10 percent.

The BLS data for salaries show that the U.S. average earnings for web developers is $73,760 per year and for software developers, $105,590. In Nebraska, the salaries are lower, including a $61,980 average for web developers, but the cost of living here is lower than the national average as well.

Private companies have been collecting data on the growing full stack developer career. According to, the average salary for full stack developers in Nebraska is $76,872.

Finding a Job as a Full Stack Developer in Nebraska

Once you have the skills and training to work as a full stack developer, many doors will be open for career opportunities. You’ll have the flexibility to work for a software or web development company, to work for another type of business that needs a website or apps, and to work as a freelancer.

In Nebraska, recent job postings show you some of the opportunities available: full stack developer for Concentric Corp. in Omaha; full stack engineer for HTI Labs in Omaha; IT full stack developer for Nelnet in Lincoln; and full stack developer for in Wausa.